At Green Mountain Girls State there are four towns, Fournier, Roberts, Petty, and Rouleau. The towns are named after Girls State alumni. Each town has 20-25 girls, along with a junior and senior counselor. Everyday each individual town comes together to discuss matters within the town, cheers, spirit, and how to win model town. While at Girls State, you become a family with your town, and this makes things a lot easier. Your town is your immediate family, and the county is your extended family. Each town has a different location to hold their meetings.
Each town has decorated a hallway to “show off” their town, and how great it is. Within each decorated hall, you will notice inside jokes and personal meanings behind the posters.During free time each town works on cheers, campaigning, and making special bonds with the members of the town. The towns “compete” against each other to receive points to win the model town award. The girls come with their own ideas, personalities, and contributions to their town.
There are separate roles for girls in the towns, such as “town crier”, and this person is responsible for waking the girls up. If there are not enough positions for every girl then the town is allowed to create fictional roles. The towns help girls from all over Vermont come out of their comfort zone, and explore new opportunities.
The counselors opening the meetings and preside until a moderator has been selected. A moderator is the girl responsible for the conduct of all the meetings. Girls state is a much better experience, since we have towns.
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