Dear Lanya,
I’m worried about the dress code at ALAGMGS, how strict/what is the purpose of it?
-Hot as Heck
Dear Hot as Heck,
One of the counselors gave us this advice: “When I first came to Girl’s State, I questioned the dress code as well. There are no boys around, so why were we forced to cover up? I couldn’t understand the purpose of it until one of my counselors told me we were supposed to dress as professionals. You wouldn’t see a businessman wearing booty shorts. The same applies for us, we have to work harder to maintain a business appropriate appearance that proves that we are professional, power, females. Yes, the temperature may be hot, but there is some very breathable and appropriate business wear out there.
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
My boyfriend keeps forgetting that I’m at Girls State, even after repeatedly reminding him. What do I do?
Annoyed Lover
Dear Annoyed Lover,
We’re confused as well, here are some options
Option 1: Ask if he’s okay. Does he have a concussion?
Option 2: Ignore him for the week.
Option 3: Be patient and remind him everyday
Option 4: Send passive-aggressive snapchats about how you’re at Girl’s State. Green polo selfie every morning, town picture during lunch, a list of your successes at girls state, video of your town cheer/skit, etc.
Hopefully one of these will get the message across!
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
What do you do if you’re at Girls State and green is not your color?
A Not Green Girl
Dear A Not Green Girl,
Dress it up with the shoes.
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
Why should I run for a position at Girls State?
Maybe future Governor?
Dear Maybe Future Governor,
You should run for a position at Girls State because it is a good way to put yourself out there with no consequences/judgement. It’s a good way to improve your public speaking skills and grow as a person.
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
My boyfriend is at Boys State and leaves me on read.
Dear Concerned,
He’s probably just playing sports, but here are some options:
#1: Dump him
#2: Leave him on read
#3: Ask him to call you when he gets a chance
#4: Send passive aggressive snapchats. Slide into his DMs with an angry face emoji.
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
Do you have tape?
An Unhung Poster
Dear An Unhung Poster,
Yes, lots of tape. None of it is ours. Come hit us up, Room 207.
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
What do you think is the best way to overcome shyness and/or the fear of failure?
Shy and Afraid
Dear Shy and Afraid,
You have the perfect opportunity to come out of your shell by running for a position at Girls State! The best way to overcome your fears is by experiencing them. So it is okay to lose an election. (You will be ok!)
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
Does Girls State actually exist in a parallel universe where time does not exist??
Dear Tired,
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
How do I tell the boy I like that I like him?
Lonely Lover
Dear Lonely Lover,
Option 1: Say “I like you”
Option 2: Never speak to him and get mad when you see him with other girls.
Option 3: Complain to your friends that he doesn’t like you, but still never talk to him.
Option 4: Make him jealous by winking at other boys. Don’t wink at him.
Option 5: Admire him from afar (never speak to him)
Stay classy,
Dear Lanya,
How do you make friends at Girls State?
Dear Nervous,
Put yourself out there and talk to people! You might meet someone really cool! Also bring snacks, everyone loves food.
Stay classy,
Anya and Laura From the Town of McDermott
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